About us

About Northern Rivers Podiatry Nathan Montgomery

Nathan Montgomery opened Northern Rivers Podiatry in April 2018 with the passionate objective of providing world-class and up-to-date quality foot healthcare to the region.

Everyone at Northern Rivers Podiatry is dedicated to maintaining our exceptional foot health care clinic which provides patient focused care to residents of Byron Bay, Ballina, Lismore, Brunswick Heads, Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads and the Gold Coast, not just now but for decades to come. We are all committed to the area so as we continue to grow, we want to grow with you, your family and this incredible community.

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Proudly Northern Rivers based

The team at Northern Rivers Podiatry are proud to live and work in the heart of the Northern Rivers.

Our state-of-the-art clinic is located on Marvel St in the heart of Byron Bay, and is open Monday to Friday.

Reception is serviced by a friendly and experienced team who will provide you with information to help you book the right appointment for your unique needs.

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Fully accredited and compliant

Our Podiatrists provide evidence-based treatment and management of foot health complaints in accordance with the scope of a Podiatrist registered with the Australian Health Professionals Registration Agency (AHPRA) in Australia.

Ahpra Podiatry Board
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Community focused

With our love of local community, we ensure that regional Australians receive the best foot healthcare treatment by continuously getting onboard new technologies that improve our patient care. We also contribute to building the local community by:

  • Minimising medical waste through manufacturing orthotics using EnviroPoly;
  • Supporting local charities such as Our Kids.
  • Providing placement opportunities for university podiatry students.
  • Lecturing at local events, and;
  • Continuing professional development by attending training courses to comply with the Podiatry Board of Australia’s registration guidelines in Australia.

Quality level of care

Whether you are concerned about your child’s first few steps, are suffering from foot and ankle pain or have a chronic disease such as diabetes, Northern Rivers Podiatry can service you and your family’s foot related issues.

Browse the website and learn more about our quality level of care.

Our best, the team at NRP.

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